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Behind The Scenes of Grove & Co 2019/20 Overshirts Collection

Our new 2019/20 Overshirts Collection is online now

This year we have changed things up. We used to release a collection every season like most other brands, but we found ourselves constantly chasing our tail rather than focusing on producing the highest quality shirts we could. We decided that this approach didn't work for us and have now decided to release one collection a year to ensure that each one is as good as it can be.

“This year we've changed how we operate, we've increased the quality of manufacturing (all still made in London, England) & better discovered fabrics that are guaranteed for a life time."

As with all of our shirts we have thematically named each one. Each of the line-up in this year's collection is named after a place or area in London that we have a connection with.

Clerkenwell Copper

BM's (one half of Grove & Co) favourite overshirt is the #ClerkenwellCopper. Its a deep copper colour in our new delicious 'Rye' fabric.

When we first saw the fabric, Tri (the other half of Grove & Co), who studied architecture thought of the red brick buildings of Clerkenwell, London.

Dover Street Stone

There's an equestrian sculpture by Elisabeth Frink that stands on the corner of Dover Street which BM stands and stares adoringly at each morning.

We joke. #Architecture runs through the veins of Grove & Co. Dover Street in Mayfair is where John Nash, one of the foremost British Architect of the Georgian era was born and is inspiration for not only the name our #overshirts but of beautifully crafted luxury buildings with hidden design gems.

Wigmore Green

The #WigmoreGreen overshirt is named after one of our favourite public houses in Regent St., London. BM & Tri go there on specials occasions to wax lyrical about what is coming next with Grove & Co. The former banking hall has been transformed by internationally acclaimed @MartinBrudnizki Design Studio, capturing and enhancing the original features of the space.

Wardour Blue

BM's first night out in London was at Madame Jojo's (a famous burlesque club in Soho which has since shut down) after a long night out on the tiles he got lost and ended up on Wardour Street, and having run out of cash, managed to convince a taxi driver to drop him back to his friend's house for free. And they say Londoners aren't friendly. That story goes down in history and we hope that our new shirt does too.

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